Shady Pets Action Card Library
Details and commentary on the rules for each Action Card in the Shady Pets :

The Ambush card allows the player to receive 1 Pet Card from the next player (player on left). The requested pet type is listed on the card. You must request that pet type from the other player. If the other player has one of these pet type cards, they can select which one (if they have more than 1) and they must give it to you without showing the other players. If the next player does not have one of these pet type cards, they must tell you “Sorry, I don’t have any of those cards” then the turn is over and play proceeds to the next player.
The Amplify card allows the player to draw 4 more cards from the Draw Pile.
After drawing theses 4 cards your turn is over. Proceed to next player’s turn.

Draw Two:
The Draw 2 card allows the player to draw 2 more cards from the Draw Pile.
After drawing theses 2 cards your turn is over. Proceed to next player’s turn.

The Expose card makes all other players (except you) expose one Pet Card (of each player’s choice) face up to the table so all other players can see and mark on their score sheet. Leave this card face up on the table for the remainder of the game. Strategically, if played against you, you’ll want to expose a card that is already known to one or more other players.

​The Facial card allows the player to steal the power of the turn’s first card played. This card can only be played in re-action to another card played. This card can be played by any player at any time (yet only one can be played per turn). Since there is a limit of playing 1 Facial Card per turn, whoever plays it first gets the power. Playing this card does not impact the turn order of the game.
If you have the Throw Octopus or Baby Throw Octopus, you may throw it at your opponent after playing this card.
Example One:
Player 1 plays the “Amplify” Card.
Player 3 plays the “Facial Card” then promptly tosses the Throw Octopus at Player 1 hitting them in the face.
Player 3 steals the power of the Amplify Card and draws 4 cards from the Draw Pile.
Player 2 is next and plays their turn.
Example Two:
Player 1 plays the “Sneak Peek” Card.
Player 4 plays the “Facial Card” then promptly tosses the Throw Octopus at Player 1 hitting them in the face.
Player 1 plays the “No Way” Card. (No Way card voids the last card played)
Player 4 plays the “No Way” Card. (This has the affect of voiding the No Way card that was just played.)
Player 4 steals the power of the Sneak Peek and privately looks at one of the hidden Mystery Cards.
Player 2 is next and plays their turn.

Grab Bag:
The Grab Bag card allows the player to select any card from any other player’s hand. The other player must fan out ALL their cards (back facing) so the player can choose any of the cards in their hand. The other player must allow the player to select from any of their cards which could include both Action Cards and Pet Cards.
There are two versions of this card; +1 and +2 (see upper right corner of card). The +1 allows the player to only select 1 card from the other player’s hand. The +2 allows the player to select 2 cards from the other player’s hand.
Note: We recommend that the “other player” shuffles their cards before they fan them out in order to not allow someone to pick cards that they think are your Pet Cards or high value action cars.

No Way!:
The No Way card allows the player to negate the power of the last card played. This card can only be played in re-action to another card played. This card can be played by any player at any time.
Playing the No Way card on a No Way card cancels the prior No Way card, thereby returning the power of the previous card played.
There’s no limit to how many No Way cards can be played on a single turn.
This card can not be used to prevent someone from guessing a Mystery Pet.
Example One:
Player 1 plays the “Sneak Peek” Card.
Player 4 plays the “Facial Card” then promptly tosses the Throw Octopus at Player 1 hitting them in the face.
Player 1 plays the “No Way” Card. (No Way card voids the last card played)
Player 4 plays the “No Way” Card. (This has the affect of voiding the No Way card that was just played.)
Player 4 steals the power of the Sneak Peek and privately looks at one of the hidden Mystery Cards.
Player 2 is next and plays their turn.
Example 2:
Player 1 plays the “Grab Bag +2” card and selects Player 4.
Player 4 plays the “No Way” card. (Cancels the Grab Bag Card. Player 4 no longer has to let Player 1 take 2 of their cards)
Player 1 plays the “No Way” Card. (Reactivates the Grab Bag Card on Player 4.)
Player 4 plays the “No Way card. (Again, this cancels the Grab Bag Card. Player 4 no longer has to let Player 1 take 2 of their cards).
No more plays on this turn.
In this case, Player 4 used 2 No Way cards to prevent Player 1 from taking 2 of their cards. A wise choice? Only the end result of the game will tell!
Turn proceeds to the next player.

The Showtime card allows the player to select any player and pet type, then both players must show each other (in private) one pet card of the selected pet type. If one of the player’s does not have the selected pet type then the other player is still obligated to show their card.
Example: Player 1 plays the Showtime card and select Player 2 and “Cats”. Player 1 shows Player 2 the “Green 2” cat, and Player 2 shows Player 1 the “Green 8” cat.
Once completed, the turn proceeds to the next player.
Note: You are NOT giving the card to the other player. You are only showing them the card. Make sure no other players can see these cards when you show each other.
When you play this Showtime Card, the other player can show you a pet you’ve already seen and can continue to do so if you make the same request. Likewise, you can show them a card they already know as well. This is not a flaw in the design of the game. This will force you to keep track of your prior requests as to not waste a turn asking for something you already know.
Sneak Peek:
The Sneak Peek card allows the player to secretly look at any of the mystery cards. Once viewed, put card back, face down, in the Mystery Card Holder. You can NOT guess the Mystery Card on the same turn. You must wait for a following turn.
Strategy Tip: Wait! The game comes with 2 ‘Sneak Peek’ cards which allow you to privately look at one of the Mystery Cards. Because this is a huge short-cut in the game, they will be highly prized by everyone. Wait for the right moment (when the Mystery Pet values are high) and arm yourself with several ‘No Way’ Cards before you play it. Expect others to play the “Facial” card when you play this card.

The Wild Ass/Card card allows the player to receive 1 Pet Card from ALL other players based on the player’s desired pet type. For example, if you select dog, then each player must give you a Dog Pet Card (if they have one).
Notes: If one player plays the ‘No Way’ card, it blocks the cards power on ALL players (not just the player who played it) so nobody has to give Pet Cards to the player who played this card.
If you’re offended by the word “Ass”, you can download a Print and Play version that changes the word “Ass” to “Card”. Simply print and tape over the other cards. Click Here.