
Shady Dog Pet ID: 1050

My hang out:  Carlsbad, CA (USA)

My mug shots …

Here’s my story ...

Jedi is the most adorable Labradoodle in the world! Our family has always been huge Star Wars fans so when we adopted him as a puppy we knew his name had be in that universe. My youngest son demanded we name him Darth Maul. My husband voted for Lando (I kinda thought that was cool). But when my daughter blurted out, “”How about Jedi?” we knew we had a winning name!

Much like Anakin Skywalker in the movies, Jedi has gotten himself into more trouble than we could have ever imagined.

For some odd reason he loves toothbrushes. If we forget to properly store the toothbrush in a latched cabinet, Jedi will wait until the coast is clear then hop up on the bathroom counter and steal the tooth brush. By the time we notice, he has already chewed up all the bristles and mangled the brush into oblivion. Maybe Jedi watched us brushing our teeth and wanted to do it too! In fact, I did notice that his teeth were a little whiter lately!

My youngest son likes to skateboard and usually Jedi sits in the front yard and simply watches with a content look of fascination. Well one day, my son got the idea that Jedi needed to ride too! So after several minutes of coaxing Jedi finally agreed to stand on the skateboard while my son held him down. Then with a tiny push off, the skateboard started to roll slowly. Jedi remained. When the tail wagged, my son decided to crank it up a notch and gave three large push-offs. The skateboard carrying my precious cargo flew down the street. When Jedi suddenly leaped off, the skateboard became unbalanced and flipped my son backward onto the street. Crash! His helmet hit the ground and his knee pads skidding along the street. He laid motionless as I sprinted faster than Usian Bolt toward the crash site. Just as got there, Jedi was licking his face. He starting laughing with great joy and stood up. No scratches or blood. “Mom, can we do that again?”  Oh hell, no I thought to myself then I muttered, “Maybe another day. I think it’s time to go inside”.

Oh that Jedi! Such a whimsical dog and so loved! Our family wouldn’t be the same without him!

Story by Diana N. (c) 2021. All rights reserved.

Shady Pet Awards/Notes:

  • Curly Cutie Award!